Safe AI Lab @ Cardiff University

Welcome to SAI Lab! The Safe AI Research Group at Cardiff University

The Safe AI (SAI) Lab is a research group dedicated to ensuring the ethical and secure development of Artificial Intelligence technologies. As a leader in the global movement towards responsible AI, we focus on both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of AI safety. Our interdisciplinary team collaborates with experts across various domains to advance the field and address critical challenges.

At SAI Lab, our research spans diverse topics such as algorithmic transparency, robustness, fairness, and the prevention of AI misuse. We invite you to explore our research initiatives, meet our dedicated team members, and browse our latest publications to learn more about our work and impact.


If you are interested in Safe AI, whether you are from industry, academia or the public sector, please contact either Dr Lowri Williams or Dr Eirini Anthi.

Follow us on social media for the latest information and opportunities to join or work with us!